Holiday time – are you ready?

Holiday time – are you ready?

For many of us the Spring and Summer marks the start of the holiday season and especially a time for travel. Maybe visiting relatives for a family Wedding or jetting off abroad somewhere?

When we travel abroad most of us consider travel insurance but that’s not always the case when travelling within the UK. What happens should you have a dental emergency when away from home? What would you do and would you know if you were covered by your insurance policy?

Even patients with the very best of dental health can have an accident, a broken tooth from biting on an olive stone, or even a bash to a front tooth.

If you are at home and you have a problem all our patients will be looked after by ourselves but if you’re away we want you to know what to do and where to get help.

Many of our regular patients are registered Denplan patients and it is this registration that will give you Accident and Emergency cover when you are unable to access care at Barrington Dental Care in Altrincham.

All Denplan patients should have a registration card with a list of emergency numbers, if not, just call our reception to find out numbers etc. This includes numbers to ring in case of accident and emergency in the UK and also Worldwide. The Denplan helpline will then help you access a dentist to receive your emergency care.

In the UK our patients may have to pay the first few pounds of the charges but will then sign a form for the dentist to claim the rest. When abroad it is more usual to pay for all the treatment and then once home Denplan will send you a form to reclaim the money you have spent – remember to keep receipts.

There are limits on the amount you can claim, as it is just for emergency care not to have a fully completed treatment, so it is worth checking with the helpline exactly how to proceed.

This is a valuable bonus to your Denplan registration though and helps give an extra piece of mind when travelling.

Remember to add all your Denplan registration details in with your travel documents.


Before you travel

If you are a regular attender there will be no need to have a check before you travel but if you are travelling for a considerable amount of time then a check may be in order, again our reception team can help advise.

We would also say, plan ahead. If you know you are travelling then having a big involved treatment, such as a root treatment, may not be a good idea just before you go. Allow time after a treatment for things to settle before you travel so you can easily access our care initially.

Holidays often require preparation and your teeth are no exception. If you are wanting an extra sparkle, remember to book an extra hygiene visit in in plenty of time! Maybe a whitening treatment too?

Whatever your plans are and wherever they take you we hope you have a fabulous time and we are here to help should you need

We look forward to helping you.


If you would like to book an appointment at your dentist in Altrincham, please call us on 0161 928 0014.


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